Holly Steffl

Holly Steffl photo

What did you do before you were a Miner?

I am a believer in the magic of earned media because it led me to my job at Media Minefield! I saw CEO Kristi Piehl interviewed on KARE11 about starting her own business. I loved her message of finding and following your passion. I joined the Media Minefield team and became a Miner in 2016, and I have the joyful job of working with clients both locally and across the country.

If you could time travel and spend a day at any past or future event, where would you go?

My 100th Birthday! I have a life goal to live to be 100 years old. I would want to see my great great great grandchildren and blow out all those candles.

What are three things people don’t know about you?

+ In college, I was a Resident Advisor to over 100 young women...and boy do I have some stories!

+ My hair grows like a weed so, when I can, I donate my hair to organizations that make free real-hair wigs for female cancer patients.  

+ I have a pressed penny collection from all the places my travels have taken me.

What is your favorite quote?

+ “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou

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5 YEARS IN 2021